Monday, May 30, 2011

Ranger Texas Style

This is a Texas ranger I met at the train station in Palestine, Texas. He looks like any ordinary person, but he has many distinguishing facial features along with the star indicating that he is a Texas ranger. Also, the pose he is giving is quite interesting and his sky blue eyes show off his personality. I painted this ranger on  18" x 24" linen.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Legend Cowboy

This is a cowboy I met on a train at Rusk, Texas when I took a spring break this March. The reason I painted this portrait was because I really liked the expression on this cowboy's face. The eyes give the main characteristics of this cowboy. The background is the windows of the train. I painted this on a 16" x 20" canvas.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Veteran Cowboy

This painting is based on a cowboy working at Enchanted Spring Ranch where I visited last year.  He has a typical character of a cowboy with a fascinating beard. The beard is my favorite part because of the intense colors I used. I painted this painting based on my feeling of color, not the details. Also, the reflection of the sunglasses is very gleaming with glowing colors. I completed this portrait on a 20" x 16" canvas.

Monday, May 2, 2011


This conceptual painting suggests optimism and happiness using Chinese opera facial make-up on half my face, coupled with Chinese characters in different forms that have the same meaning as "Happiness".  Opera facial make-up plays the artistic functions of implying commendatory and derogatory connotations and differentiating benevolence and malevolence.  In this sense, facial make-up has obtained the reputation as "painting of heart and soul".  Opera facial make-up, as the product of fine artisanship, has become part of the masterpieces in the thousands years of Chinese culture and art.
At the lower left corner, there is my signature in the form of Chinese seal stamp.